As of June 23’, we will be displaying both Old Parish Records (OPR’s) and Statuary Records (SRI’s) in a linked Index Format.
Our priimary goal this year is linking OPR entries into families, aprox. 1600 to 1835. The SRI extracts to 1923, plus census & immigration records is about complete. When the OPR families are assembled, we will advance into modern records.
Please note that sliding towards 80, Ken Birnie has finally retired and will now return to our data base research, concentrating on post 1900 data.
In the interim, Please, Please, send in any immigration information to assist us in locating our global family members. Thank you.
Galashiels Birnie Family
James Birnie, Washington State Pioneer Family
Alexander Birnie, The Peril King
The Dutch Birnies
This is a Beta test of a linked data index In Family Historian. We encourage you to contact us for Family Tree research. As always our research is free to Birnies. We only require you do not redistribute to commercial or religious entities. Thank you.
Beta Test: DO NOT COPY